
Posts Tagged ‘inertia’


I’m currently in Wollongong, and managed to turn up right at the beginning of Sustainability Week, being put on by a few groups from around the area.  I went along to talk by Dr Barney Foran, titled “A low carbon economy based on renewable energy: the only way to go!”. He was a physical economics modeler (first I’d heard of it) amongst other things, and had used this to model what Australia could like by 2050 if we went down the line of transferring our society to being powered by a majority renewable power supply. 80% supply mix of wind, solar and biomass. According to his modeling, a transition of this scale wouldn’t be the end of living, as we know it. Quite the opposite, it would allow us to maintain a high standard of living and strong economy. I’ll post the recording of the talk once its up online.


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