
Posts Tagged ‘education’

DSCF0274G’day g’day, how’s it? Well after all this interviewing, talking, ideas and what not, I’ve decided to try and get something of my own up and rocking.

Do you like picnics, and want to learn about sustainable food options that are near you? Are you university aged? Well read on….

For my major project this semester, I am designing a sustainable living workshop series, aimed at university students, who are transitioning from living at home to living independently/ in Melbourne for the first time.

For my prototyping phase, I will be developing and testing a food workshop. So for this, there will be speakers on topics ranging from community gardens, to organics, to fair trade, to dumpster diving, to wild foraging etc. Each speaker will give a brief explanation of what their take on sustainable food is, and how it’s accessible within Melbourne. Then the picnic will kick off properly. Once this happens you will be able to seek out the speaker(s) that resonated most for you, and find out more.

This test run will happen on Friday, 23 October from 2-4pm.

I’m in the process of lining up people involved with food co-ops, ethical grocery shops, dumpster diving, wild food foraging and urban food production, to come and have a chat. It’s all very time and motion at this stage, but taking shape.

This is where you come in.

If you’re in Melbourne, university aged, and up for an informative picnic next Friday (23 October), send me an email via the contact page.

At this stage I’m looking for about 15 people.

Hope to hear from you soon.


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TT Talk flyer v1

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